SSL with :py:mod:`gremlinclient` ================================= Setting up SSL with :py:mod:`gremlinclient` is straightforward, but different depending on which client you choose. The following demonstrates using SSL with both the :py:mod:`aiohttp_client` and :py:mod:`tornado_client` modules. SSL certs and server config are generally **up to the user**, but for **testing** you can get going with `OpenSSL`_ self-signed certificates. Something like:: $ openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days XXX Then add something like this to the `conf/gremlin-server.yaml` file:: ssl: { enabled: true, keyCertChainFile: /path/to/cert.pem, keyFile: /path/to/key.pem} Okay, both `aiohttp`_ and `Tornado`_ use Python's :py:mod:`ssl` module to create an :py:class:`ssl.SSLContext`:: >>> import ssl >>> sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) >>> sslcontext.load_cert_chain( ... '/path/to/cert.pem', keyfile='/path/to/key.pem') :py:mod:`aiohttp_client` ------------------------------------------------------------- To set up SSL with :py:mod:`aiohttp_client`, use the :py:class:`aiohttp.TCPConnector` class:: >>> connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(ssl_context=sslcontext) Then pass this object as a kwarg to :py:func:`submit`, :py:func:`create_connection`, :py:class:`GraphDatabase`, or :py:class:`Pool`:: >>> stream = yield from submit( ... "wss://localhost:8182/", "1 + 1", connector=connector) Don't forget to use the "wss" protocol. :py:mod:`tornado_client` ------------------------------------------------------------- To set up SSL with :py:mod:`tornado_client`, we create a :py:func:`request_factory` that creates :py:class:`HTTPRequest` objects with the :py:class:`ssl.SSLContext` as a frozen kwarg and use this as our ``connector``:: >>> from functools import partial >>> request_factory = partial( ... httpclient.HTTPRequest, ssl_options=sslcontext) Then pass this object as a kwarg to :py:func:`submit`, :py:func:`create_connection`, :py:class:`GraphDatabase`, or :py:class:`Pool`:: >>> stream = yield from submit( ... "wss://localhost:8182/", "1 + 1", connector=request_factory) Again, don't forget to use the "wss" protocol. .. _`aiohttp`: .. _`OpenSSL`: .. _`tornado`: